Adolescent Therapy

The adolescent years can be some of the most difficult in a persons lifetime. Adolescents experience a great deal of stress and are often pressured to remain silent by friends, family, and other authority figures. The expectations adolescents are asked to meet at school, home, work, and social environments can be overwhelming, especially given that they tend to lack a strong and secure identity at this point in their lives. The manner in which adolescents cope with these stresses and expectations can impact their functioning into adulthood.

Not only do your children experience pain and suffering, but you, as the parent, may also experience profound distress seeing your child struggle. Often times, parents do not know how to respond to their child’s distress, which leaves them feeling helpless. Therapy can help guide you and your child in navigating the many challenges of adolescence.

In individual therapy, I will provide your child with the opportunity to further develop skills which promote independence and mental health. I will allow them a safe environment to process their thoughts and emotions and assess their behavior patterns. This can help with imporoving their overall functioning at home, school, within the family, and with peers.